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George W. Nebinger School

PHONE: (215) 400-8110 SCHOOL TYPE: Public District Neighborhood GRADES: Pre-K (3-4 years old)-8 ENROLLMENT: 454

Fast Facts

  • Principal

    Mrs. Natalie Catin-St. Louis

  • Phone Number

    (215) 400-8110

  • Website

  • Neighborhood

    Queen Village

  • SEPTA Routes

    BSL (Ellsworth-Federal), Bus (47, 57, 64)

  • Preschool/Daycare

Apply Now
  • Application Deadline


  • Tuition

  • Uniform

    No Data Reported

  • Extended Day

School Logo School exterior School classroom A picture of the school 1 A picture of the school 2


At Nebinger School we provide a high-quality education that prepares, ensures and empowers all Nebinger students to achieve their full intellectual and social potential in order to compete in the global economy, become lifelong learners and productive members of our global and technological society.

Points Of Pride

We are a small, innovative and diverse neighborhood school. We have small class sizes and technology, including laptops, iPads and interactive whiteboards in all classrooms, and a state-of-the-art science laboratory and art library. Special classes include Spanish, physical education, music, visual arts, dance taught by Rock School teachers, drama through Walnut Street Theater, choir, studio art, instrumental music and guitar band. We have met all Safe School guidelines. We have community partnerships with Friends of Nebinger, Queen Village Neighbors Association and Bella Vista Association. Adopted by Mother Bethel AME Church.

Admissions Policy

Students must live within designated catchment boundaries; students may apply to a school(s) outside of their neighborhood and will be considered via lottery based on a available space.

Accreditations and Honors

- Recipients of the Picasso grant: Nebinger students designed and installed a mural that reflects their diversity and their ability to be eco-friendly. 2011 and 2012 School Years-- Recipients of the American Heart Association Edible Teaching Garden Grant

Hours of Operation

Sun -
Mon -
Tues -
Wed -
Thur -
Fri -
Sat -

Extended Programming Details

Entrance Instructions