To produce advanced, lifelong learners and independent thinkers. Teachers use data and rigorous instruction to achieve this goal. With parents and families alongside, our community works collaboratively to build strong partnerships, advance achievement, ensure safety and guarantee the success of our students.
Points Of Pride
Full-time nurse and counselor. Four autistic-support classrooms. Instrumental music course. Visit our website at www.houstonhornets.org. College and Career Awareness for grades 5-8. Multiple Community Partners.
Admissions Policy
Students must live within designated catchment boundaries; students may apply to a school(s) outside of their neighborhood and will be considered via lottery based on a available space.
Accreditations and Honors
Hours of Operation
Sun | - |
Mon | - |
Tues | - |
Wed | - |
Thur | - |
Fri | - |
Sat | - |
Extended Programming Details
Student Achievement
Raw data measures student performance on standardized tests. Not all schools take the same standardized tests. Direct comparisons between different tests should not be made.
The school community provides a clean, safe, welcoming and organized environment for our children. Our culture is driven by consistent, schoolwide expectations; we refer to “Houston’s B.A.S.E.� (behavioral, academic, social, and emotional expectations). How is the rating for School Incidents calculated? This rating represents the reportable incident count per 100 students. Reported suspensions and expulsions are not factored into the rating for School Incidents.
Learn more about GPS ratings methodology here.
Reported Incidents |
Reported Suspensions |
Reported Expulsions |
| | |
This data reflects the total number of incidents, suspensions, and expulsions per 100 students reported by the school to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. To view a reportable incident report for a particular public school, see the
Pennsylvania Safe Schools Reports. Data for private schools are derived from similar reports submitted directly to GreatPhillySchools.