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Stephen Decatur Elementary School

PHONE: (215) 400-3050 SCHOOL TYPE: Public District Neighborhood GRADES: K-8 ENROLLMENT: 903

Fast Facts

  • Principal

    Genevieve Endy-O'Kane

  • Phone Number

    (215) 400-3050

  • Website

  • Neighborhood


  • SEPTA Routes

    Bus (19, 20, 66, 70)

  • Preschool/Daycare

Apply Now
  • Application Deadline


  • Tuition

  • Uniform

    No Data Reported

  • Extended Day

School Logo School exterior School classroom A picture of the school 1 A picture of the school 2


We will grow as leaders continuously aspiring to achieve our greatest potential and establishing the collaborative, nurturing environment necessary to affect positive change while influencing a better world for all.

Points Of Pride

Decatur School is a neighborhood school that offers many opportunities for students.  Some of these offerings include:-Rigorous Academic Program-Blended Learning-Leader in Me School - Steven Covey's 7 Habits-Fall and Spring Concerts involving Band, Orchestra and Choir-Annual School Play/Musical-Science Fair Award Winners-Tech Showcase Award Winners-Gifted Support Services-Robotics-First in Math Award Winners-Spirit Week-Talent Show-Golden Attitude and Golden Attitude Plus Clubs-Student Government-Fall and Spring School Dances-Fall and Spring Arts Festivals-Career Day-Leadership Day-Assemblies-Middle Years Electives - Advanced Art & Portfolio, Creative Design, Dance Appreciation, Educational Games, Film Studies, Leadership Through Expressive Arts, Music/Creative & Performing Arts, Personal Physical Fitness, Be the Leader of Your Own Life-Middle Years Sports: Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Track-....and so much more!!!!

Admissions Policy

Students must live within designated catchment boundaries.

Accreditations and Honors

Hours of Operation

Sun -
Mon -
Tues -
Wed -
Thur -
Fri -
Sat -

Extended Programming Details

Entrance Instructions