Choosing a Philadelphia High School (for SY 2025-2026)
There are many things to consider when selecting a high school. GreatPhillySchools has this timeline to help Philadelphia families complete the process.
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There are many things to consider when selecting a high school. GreatPhillySchools has this timeline to help Philadelphia families complete the process.
Interested in applying to a private school near you? CSFP provides scholarships to private K-8 schools for families in need. Learn more here!
Is your child beginning or enrolling in elementary/middle school? Get a head start by learning about the process for choosing schools in Philadelphia!
Placed on your school's waitlist? Here are some options for finding and applying to other great District, charter, and private schools in Philadelphia.
Find out which Philly charter schools are accepting applications for the upcoming school year and apply using one simple application on Apply Philly Charter!
A charter high school may be the perfect option for you or your child. When considering what charter schools to attend, it is necessary to consider the type of charter that you have in mind. Learn more about the difference between traditional charter schools and renaissance charter schools here.
Learn about kindergarten registration requirements for the 2024-2025 SY!
While private schools are tuition-based, scholarship aid is often available. Learn more about affording the best private school education in Philadelphia!
Private high schools in Philadelphia can be expensive, but financial assistance is available to make them more affordable. Learn more here!
If you missed the application deadline for charter schools, check out these schools with rolling admissions or year-round enrollment.
Looking to gain skills for success in the 21st century? Career and Technical Education (CTE) Schools may be right for you. Browse their offerings here!
Families can apply to many participating charter schools with one easy application. The application deadline is Monday, January 25, 2021. Learn more here!